Just a quick status post. The PTL (Petit trot a Leon) was done last Sunday with ~180m length and ~72000ft of ascent, it was great fun, great effort, awesome company, lots of sketchy trails (orders of magnitude more and longer than for example Hardrock, or TDG), snow storms and a gigantic blister which removed most of my right heel skin. A real mountain adventure, in many ways the antithesis of UTMB this year. Noone knew (some italians thought we were doing the TDG) and we met very few people on the trails, as the field spread out rather quickly.
The TDG start is a mere 36 hours away, 7 days and a few hours after we finished PTL, and I just stopped limping. I’ve been moisturizing the feet like there’s no tomorrow with three kinds of cream, and healing is going along very well … but I have serious doubts this will be enough for another 210 miles of punishing trails. Ah well, I’ll give it my best, but do not be alarmed if I drop – possibly after 20 miles! The new skin will be prone to cracks (especially where it interfaces with the thicker old skin), ripping and more blisters … I might give it my best tape job, then hope for the best. Oh, I also have a slight cold. Either way it should be another few fun days in the alps!
Some PTL Pictures here, bit out of order, I borrowed some of Daniel’s pictures.
Race updates may be posted here.
Off to the dumbest thing I came up with yet …