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Into the wild
Dusk along the Kuskoquim river
I called Jill on my way out (fortunately it was an easy trail since I wasn’t looking where I was going … tsk tsk) and beamed about how awesomely beautiful the area was and told her my bivy plans. Soon I was back on the […]
Apologies for the delay … those pesky races get in the way of writing. And work. Tsk.
Sunrise on the way to Puntilla
We all (Dave, Andrea and I) were quite done when we got to Fingerlake at 7:15pm. I got into the large kitchen and plonked down. Fingerlake is a luxury […]
For the essential parts of the race, enlarge this map!
I picked up my packed sled, and my heart sank. “It’s too heavy!”, I exclaimed. Jill tried to console me “It’ll be fine. It’ll glide well on those trails and you won’t even notice.”. Still … it’s been the first time that I’ve […]
Tappa 5 – Gressoney to Valtournenche
36k – 9000ft – 15:12 without stopped time at either live base
Despite being halfway done, I was uncertain about the race. I was almost 2.5 hours ahead of last year’s pace, but my feet were in rather bad shape. The medics had taped a few toes and I […]
Tappa 3 – Cogne to Donnas
46km – ~4600ft up and ~8500ft down) – 11:26h (excluding stops at live bases, including sleep)
I spent about 2 hours in Cogne, getting a good meal, enjoying Jill’s company (and a backrub, Jill is the most awesomest, my shoulders were hurting already) and starting to tape some […]
The Tor is certainly amongst the very hardest of footraces in the world – a 330 km, 24km elevation gain (yes that’s more than a half marathon vertical up, or 80000ft for the metrically challenged), 25 passes above 2000m, non-stop (though you can sleep at many aid stations) stint through the beautiful Italian Alps around […]
I just got back with Jill from Wendell’s Berry Creek Falls 50k – a small event in Big Basin, small mostly because there are 3 races in the Bay Area alone this weekend (Quicksilver 50K/50M taking the lion share of runners as an old, fun, but very fireroadish event and Diablo Marathon/60k tomorrow) – and […]
Far away view of the Wickersham wall. 800ft up in less than 1 mile on soft snow.
“Fuck this! Who was this Wickersham anyways?”. Sweat is streaming down my shirt under my jacket. I briefly stagger, almost loose balance, pulled back by my anvil of a sled. “I feel a bit dizzy.”, Kevin […]
Chapter 3 Alexander Lake and back
I felt warm and more confident leaving Luce’s to make my way to the turnaround point. I looked forward to it, because Alexander Lake is a bit more than halfway, which would be a nice mental boost for me – all “downhill” from there on (yeah you gotta lie […]
Jill drew what we all felt on the way to the start … PRELUDE
me: I think I’ll sign up for Susitna next year although maybe I never want to run again after TDG Steve: You got something against your toes? me: Ha! most people are fine Steve: Actually, I’ve always been […]