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It’s racing time again. I’m off to South Africa with my mate Liehann to ride the Freedom Challenge – something entierly different for me. I’ve been actually training a bit for cycling, just to ensure I won’t blow up in the first 50k! Which isn’t to say that won’t happen. Assuming all my gear gets […]
Looking at my blog I realized I basically haven’t written a race report since 2012! Even Steve is blogging more often than I am. Partially this is because Jill is doing a better job than me anyways. Another reason is that my remaining reports are gargantuan (I’ve tried to start the ITI Nome report(s) a […]
So what have I been up to in 2013? Not much, as it turns out. I’ve run fewer races than in past years, but they were all very satisfying. All in all, it’s been a great year for me – great personal life, great work success, great adventure fun. The year had it’s share of […]
Ok I realize this blog seems abandoned by now, but I’m still working on things. The Iditarod Nome race report has turned out to be as gargantuan a project as the race itself. Also race season has been busy with Iceland, PTL and TDG, so there wasn’t too much time, particularly given work has been […]
After Jill posted her 2012 year end summary I feel compelled to make my own. So here we go!
1. Iditarod 350
Rainy Pass
Let’s start the year off easy … right? Nah. The ITI is a real adventure, dangerous, remote and with more character than Anthony Hopkins on a good day. This […]
Just a quick status post. The PTL (Petit trot a Leon) was done last Sunday with ~180m length and ~72000ft of ascent, it was great fun, great effort, awesome company, lots of sketchy trails (orders of magnitude more and longer than for example Hardrock, or TDG), snow storms and a gigantic blister which removed most […]
My friend Dan Bailey and I were able to fly over the Yentna River this afternoon, and we spotted Beat about 6 miles south of Skwentna at 3 p.m. He was moving well and waved at us when we flew past. I haven’t heard from him since last night but progress is going well […]
First update from the Iditarod Trail Invitational: I received a satellite phone call from Beat at 9 a.m. Monday They spent most of Sunday breaking trail through more than a foot of new snow as a blizzard raged around them. In the early hours of the morning they passed the lead biker, Pete Basinger, who […]
I haven’t been so worried about a race in a long time. The Iditarod Trail Invitational freaks me out like few races before.
For tracking info, scroll down.
It is an adventure. I am sitting in front of 40 lbs of gear, pondering what to bring, what to leave. My gear selection definitely errs on […]
Too much traveling, not enough time for blogging … But I’ve got at least some pictures posted of TDG and Nepal (already!):
TDG 2011
So what’s in the plans for 2012? Not much, really. Not as many 100s as usual, but …
Feb: Iditarod Trail Invitational 350
This is the big adventure of the […]