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Coyote 2 Cold

Wet and cold at the second Rose Valley visit

Wet and cold at the second Rose Valley visit

What can be said about Coyote 2 Moon? It’s a joke, and the runners are the punchline. This year the RD posted results from other races (?) under his chosen nicknames for the runners. Mine was Meat. I don’t really know why, nor do I want to.

C2M is – normally – quite hard. It has like 26k ft of climbing, starts sometime at night, and took me last year just about 32 hours to finish. This year the RD decided that was too “boring” for me, and put me in a start group with an absolute time limit of 31 hours. With people who are much faster than me.

Wendel having too much fun

Wendel having too much fun

I’ll just briefly describe the main highlights of this race.

– 3am start. Better than 11pm, if you can believe it.

– the day was freezing cold. Rain, hail, and 2 inches of fresh snow fell during the race. I was freezing for 29 hours.

– Parts of the trail became a big mudslide without much traction

– To stay warm, I had to run more, and finished in ~29:30

– The 100m had a finisher rate of <40%, and the 100k of <20%

Anyways, the pictures say it all …

Jochen running through fresh snow during the last 6 miles ...

Jochen running through fresh snow during the last 6 miles ...

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